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Waldorf Parent's Survival Guide

When it comes to the education of your child, no school is perfect. All schools have their strengths and weaknesses, including your Waldorf school. This "Survival Guide" is designed to help Waldorf families get the most out of their Waldorf experience.

IMPORTANT: This "survival guide" does not imply deficiencies in Waldorf education. On the contrary, it is intended to help parents provide their Waldorf children with an even richer education.

Promote Open Dialog About Waldorf! is the only resource on the Internet for open discussion among Waldorf parents! By promoting at your school, you can help grow this valuable community resource for new and prospective Waldorf parents.

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You can help promote OpenWaldorf on the Internet by talking about it in other Waldorf communities such as the SJU Waldorf education list.

Teach Your Kids About Rudolf Steiner

If your child was at a school run by Catholics, you would want them to understand their experience as fully as possible. At Waldorf, your school is run by Anthroposophists. You can help your kids make sense of their experience at Waldorf using OpenWaldorf's Steiner For Kids page.

Start a "New Parents Steiner Reading Group"

Parent education is very important to Waldorf. Waldorf teachers encourage parents to learn as much as they can about Waldorf, Rudolf Steiner, and Anthroposophy. Since everything at Waldorf is based on Rudolf Steiner, familarizing yourself with Steiner's writings will help you understand Waldorf.

Starting a "new parents reading group" is a great way to read Steiner and get to know other parents at the same time. But Steiner published hundreds of books and journals about a myriad of subjects. It's quite easy to get lost in the world of Rudolf Steiner. How do you choose what to read?

With regards to Waldorf Education, the most relevant books by Steiner are the books used in Waldorf Teacher Training. These are the books that your teacher read while going through teacher training, and they represent the foundation of Waldorf education. Not only that, but many of these titles are available for FREE online, so the trouble of finding and paying for a book doesn't have to be an issue. suggests that new parents reading groups perform a survey of the Teacher Training texts that are freely available online. You can assign a different title to each parent, and they can each select a chapter or two from their title to share with the group. By working together, your group can cover more ground than you would individually, and enjoy lively discussion while doing so!

You can find the list of Teacher's Training texts in our Reading Room.

Support Waldorf's Curriculum at Home

Studies show that the more involved a parent is with their child's education, the better that child will do in school. There are many ways to encourage your child in their Waldorf education. Also, everyone knows that there are only so many hours in a day. With so much time spent knitting, painting, practicing eurythmy, and playing games there will always be things that you want your child to learn that they won't get at Waldorf. There are many ways to supplement Waldorf curriculum to compensate for things they don't learn at Waldorf.

Reinforce Waldorf Curriculum

There are many ways of reinforcing the Waldorf curriculum at home.

Supplement Waldorf Curriculum

Young Waldorf children don't learn how to draw faces. If your child enjoys to draw, you might want to supplement their Waldorf art curriculum with a great book for children 4-8 called 1 2 3 Draw Cartoon Faces: A Step-By-Step Guide (1 2 3 Draw).

Start a Diversity Program at Your School

If you feel that some races are underrepresented at your Waldorf school, you can make a difference by starting a Diversity Program. By educating Waldorf students, and reaching out to minorities in your community, you can help create a student body composed of all races. A good diversity program should include the following things: is updated frequently. Sign up for FREE email updates!

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This web site is based on one Waldorf parent's personal journey.
It has no official affiliation with Waldorf education.
If you haven't already, please read About OpenWaldorf.

Copyright (c) 2003 Information: The words of may be freely distributed on the condition that they are clearly marked with the following sentence: "Source:, the most open site on the Internet for new and prospective Waldorf parents." Third-party sources quoted on are subject to the copyrights of the respective owners. Participants own their own words, and have full copyright over what they say.