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You might also want to visit OpenWaldorf's Academic Resources page.
You can use Google to search for any topic at the Rudolf Steiner Archive to see what Steiner says:
Waldorf Goes Against School Grain, Cincinatti Enquirer
The Waldorf Way, Teacher Magazine
Anthroposophy, Critics and Controversy, Uncle Taz
The Waldorf Method, The Washington Times
Schooling the Imagination, The Atlantic
Woodland Shop links with curriculum, North Carolina Herald Sun
At Plum Hill, Each Child is an Important Soul , Vineyard Gazette Online
Looping is key at magnet school, Contra Costa Times
Waldorfaire blends history and culture to build kids charachter, Honolulu Star Bulletin
Critics say Waldorf schools' unusual methods make them ineligible for public funding, San Francisco Examiner
The Spirit of Waldorf Education, Education Week (Registration Required)
Our Brush with Rudolf Steiner, Freethought Today
A Choice Experiment, LA Weekly
Gnomes and Critics at Waldorf School, National Post in Canada
Public schools teaching occult relgion?, WorldNetDaily
The Waldorf way, Boston Globe
Childhood in a Cocoon , San Jose Mercury News
In the OpenWaldorf Forums, parents can research and discuss anything they'd like to about Waldorf Education. encourages open dialog, whether it's positive or negative, pro or con. The only guideline is be polite. All posters must register, but you may participate anonymously using a psuedonym at, if you so desire.
The Waldorf Education List, hosted by St. John's University is a FANTASTIC resource for day-to-day aspects of Waldorf education, as well as a tight-knit Waldorf community. The primary goal of this list is "to increase knowledge and understanding, and to explore the possibilities of this pedagogy. "
IMPORTANT: This is a Waldorf-positive list focused on Waldorf Education. Respect their focus and do NOT debate Waldorf with them. Also, this not a place to debate the finer points of Anthroposophy. Instead ask sincere questions relevant to Waldorf Education, and expect sincere answers. These are terrific people, as well as some of the most open and generous Waldorf parents I know. There are also several teachers in the list, and they are great at explaining the why's and how's of the classroom. These people are an invaluable resource, please treat them with respect!
Don't forget to mention you found them through!
Important! You must join the list in order to read and post. and ask your own questions. It's ok to be rigorous, just be polite. Remember, some topics are off-limits, so if you're not sure if something's ok to ask, make a friend, and ask them privately first. Please remember the ground rules above!
Search the archives first. You should always do this before you post a question to prevent redundancy. For example, searching for "television" will turn up a wealth of information on media restriction at Waldorf. As you read through past posts, you'll quickly recognize a few "superstars" who are very knowledgable and helpful.
The Waldorf Homeschoolers List is an active discussion group for Waldorf-inspired homeschoolers.
"WE Homeschool [WE_HS] is a forum open to all. While the majority of our members are Waldorf-inspired homeschoolers, anyone with an interest in Waldorf Education and/or homeschooling may join.
We are an inclusive list and we represent a wide spectrum of faiths, life philosophies, and geographic locations."
The Europe Yahoo! Waldorf List is a smaller list "for parents, teachers, ex-pupils and others interested in the work of Rudolf Steiner (Anthroposophy), with particular emphasis on Waldorf/Steiner schools."
The waldorf-critics List is probably the most "open" list on Waldorf Education in the sense that they are willing to discuss a broader range of subject matter related to Waldorf Education than the folks on the Waldorf Education List. This isn't censorship; the Waldorf Education List simply has a narrower focus, based on the mutual interests of the members.
So far I have found waldorf-critics the best place to discuss how Waldorf Education is related to Anthroposophy. However, because of its bias, it is not always the most helpful. In fairness to your own Waldorf community, you should always take what is said on this list with a grain of salt, and ask questions at your own school about topics that interest you.
You can read and search the waldorf-critics list. You can also subscribe and participate if you desire. Please keep in mind the respect that you would give the Waldorf Education list.
The Research Institute for Waldorf Education has a large collection of Waldorf journals including many free issues online.
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![]() "A twice-yearly full colour, themed journal on Steiner Waldorf education." |
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![]() Lilipoh is a unique quarterly wellness magazine dedicated to The Spirit in Life. Geared to a wide readership, we specialize in the anthroposophical approach to life as it is brought forth through health, homeopathy and naturopathic medicine, Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture, nutrition, the arts, community life and more!" |
Here are some pre-made Google searches on Waldorf. Clicking on one of the links below is just like typing them into Google yourself! Just click on the link, and explore for yourself. ("" searches the Rudolf Steiner Archives)
Find out what Google has to say about...
Academics/Child Development
Steiner Says: |
Steiner Says: |
Art, Creativity, Eurythmy
Steiner Says: |
Rudolf Steiner
Steiner says: |
Health and Safety
Waldorf and Christianity
Media Restriction
Teacher Training
Clicking on these pre-made Google searches will return many helpful pictures and art to help you better understand Waldorf education. It is like an "image inventory" of Google's view of the Web with regards to a particular subject.
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This web site is based on one Waldorf parent's personal journey.
It has no official affiliation with Waldorf education.
If you haven't already, please read About OpenWaldorf.
Copyright (c) 2003 Information: The words of may be freely distributed on the condition that they are clearly marked with the following sentence: "Source:, the most open site on the Internet for new and prospective Waldorf parents." Third-party sources quoted on are subject to the copyrights of the respective owners. Participants own their own words, and have full copyright over what they say.