Marin Waldorf School Curriculum Online Waldorf Library Rumors of Academics Differences "Education in Tune with our Time"
Goetheanum's articles on education
Waldorf Curriculums Marin Waldorf School Samford Valley Steiner School's Curriculum
Child Development
Child Development Basics "Why Should Children Learn How to Read at Approximately Age 7?"
"," (PDF version)
The Path to Birth, by Stanley Drake
Eternal Childhood, by Karl K?nig
Your Reincarnating Child by Gilbert Childs
"Handwork and Intellectual Development"
Public Education
California Curriculum Frameworks North Carolina Curriculum Public school textbook errors
Curriculum/Aids The Baldwin Project Myths and Legends's Lesson Plans ERIC/AE Full Text Library
Google: Anthroposophical Society in America Experience Between Death and Birth Study Guide to Steiner Insights Anthroposophy at Yahoo Study Guide to Insights of Rudolf Steiner Anthroposophy - An Introduction Anthropsophy, by Valdemar Setzer Akashic Record Consultants Anthroposophy, the Wisdom of Human Kind
Uncle Taz Anthroposophy Links
By Steiner: Reincarnation and Karma Theosophy
Google Searches:
Articles on Waldorf
Pro Waldorf Goes Against School Grain, Cincinatti Enquirer
The Waldorf Way, Teacher Magazine
Anthroposophy, Critics and Controversy, Uncle Taz
The Waldorf Method, The Washington Times
Schooling the Imagination, The Atlantic
Woodland Shop links with curriculum, North Carolina Herald Sun
At Plum Hill, Each Child is an Important Soul , Vineyard Gazette Online
Looping is key at magnet school, Contra Costa Times
Waldorfaire blends history and culture to build kids charachter, Honolulu Star Bulletin
Con Critics say Waldorf schools' unusual methods make them ineligible for public funding, San Francisco Examiner
The Spirit of Waldorf Education, Education Week (Registration Required) Our Brush with Rudolf Steiner, Freethought Today A Choice Experiment, LA Weekly
Gnomes and Critics at Waldorf School, National Post in Canada
Public schools teaching occult relgion?, WorldNetDaily
Mixed The Waldorf way, Boston Globe
Childhood in a Cocoon , San Jose Mercury News
Waldorf Community
OpenWaldorf Forums Click here for open discussion on Waldorf Education!
Waldorf lists SJU Waldorf Education list Waldorf Home Schoolers Waldorf List WE Homeschool [WE_HS]
Anthroposophy lists Anthroposophy list Steiner List at Yahoo! Anthroposophy Tomorrow Forums at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
Critics Waldorf Critics
Waldorf Advent Spiral by Pam Fenner advent - unitarian Advent Spiral at Camelia Waldorf School Sample Advent Verse Complaint about Advent Spiral Other Waldorf Christmas festivals Spirals in the 4th century
General Resources
Assoc. of Waldorf Schools of N. America Bob and Nancys Home Page Millenial Child WaldorfWorld Waldorf Reading Room
Waldorf Publications gateways-Waldorf Early Childhood journals.htm Research Bulletin for Waldorf Education
Waldorf Critics (PLANS)
Media Restriction
Kill Your Television
American Association of Pediatrics Eliminate TV for Kids Under 2 Impact of Media on Children TV's Effect on the Brain Children, Adolescents and TV Television and the Family What Parents Can Do About TV
Ahriman Warning - "Ahrimanic forces"
Video Game Positive Video games improve visual perception Bad, but not all bad Positive aspects of video games
Health and Safety
Artemisia: Anthroposophic Medicine
Tree Climbing
The higher they are, the harder they will fall Fall Surfacing Guidelines Rules of Tree Climbing Climbing Rules
Safe Tree Climbing.
Dancing With Trees New Tribe Tree Climbers International Helmet, Pully and safe-belay
How to choose a belay device "Lofty Aspirations" - Smithsonian
Pictures of safe tree-climbing
Pro Article on Jewish reverence
Art and Creativity
September 11, 2001: Images of Hope Exhibit of 9/11 art by "mainstream" kids "Color In The School" Goethean and Newtonian color theory Terra Rosa Charter School Gallery
Howard Gardner
The Arts and Human Development (FREE Online!)
Art, Mind, and Brain (FREE Online!)
Artful Scribbles
Art Curriculum Resources
National Standards for Art Education Elementary Art Education KinderArt - Art Lessons - Art Education: The ... Bridgman Elementary Art Curriculum Guide
Drawing and Painting in Rudolf Steiner Schools 1 2 3 Draw Cartoon Faces: A Step-By-Step Guide (1 2 3 Draw) Colour, by Rudolf Steiner
Color Black "...not using black crayons." "Don't use black crayons..." "black is a dead color."
Wet-on-Wet Painting Beginning with the Primal Colours of Yellow and Blue A Creation Painting Painting Ancient Mesopotamia Waldorf Painting Technique
Special Needs
"ADHD, A Challenge of Our Time"
The Extra Lesson Extra Lesson FAQ Sleep, by Audrey McAllen
Youth Section Religion or Philosophy?