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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Waldorf Alumni "Deserts" the Army ?
Jeremiah Adler is a Waldorf student who wants out of the army. Who can blame him?
posted by John 9:58 AM

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Waldorf Alum's Political Solo Stage Show ?

Up-and-comer Dan Hoyle is a Waldorf Alum

Here's where I get to brag about living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Waldorf alum Dan Hoyle has his second successful solo-stage show right here in S.F.! It's called Florida 2004: The Big Bummer. I wish I had caught it.
posted by John 9:48 AM

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Comparison of Waldorf and Other Methods ?
There's a brief comparison of Waldorf and other teaching methods.
posted by John 9:30 AM

Friday, February 11, 2005

Profile of Persephone School ?
The Persephone School, a Waldorf-inspired school in British Columbia, teaches their students to eat wild mushrooms. When the students learned about mushrooms, they went out and picked the fungus, examined them, ate some, and grew some. “I think it’s more interesting for the kids, being involved like that,? said instructor Christiane Nauen.
posted by John 9:25 AM

New Meadowbrook Waldorf School ?
Meadowbrook Waldorf school got the go ahead for a new 28 acre campus. "Designed by Newport Collaborative Architects, Inc., the seven-year, multi-million dollar project is set to begin with the creation of an elementary school through grade 8 slated for completion by September. During a second phase of construction, an early childhood center, a craft shop, a dance studio and a barn will be built by the fall of 2006."
posted by John 9:12 AM

Waldorf Surfer Represents New Zealand ?
Nikki Cox, a Waldorf student, was selected to be New Zealand's open surf lifesaving representative. This meant she had to delay her start to a four-year Bachelor of Management course by almost a month.
posted by John 9:07 AM

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Portland Waldorf's "No Logo" Dress Code ?
A profile on the "No logo" dress code at Portland Waldorf School.
posted by John 12:09 AM

Friday, February 04, 2005

Article on Male Knitters Mentions Waldorf ?
This article on a surge in male knitting mentions Waldorf a few times.
posted by John 12:03 AM

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Profile of Waldorf Grad ?
Martina Sorbara is a Canadian musician who is also a Waldorf grad.
posted by John 12:00 AM

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Profile of Finnish Waldorf Student ?
A profile of a Finnish Waldorf Student
posted by John 11:44 PM

New Public Waldorf Charter in Ohio ?
There's a newpublic Waldorf charter school in Ohio. "Cedar Creek Community School, a charter school, will become the first public Waldorf school in Ohio," according to the school's press release.
posted by John 11:38 PM

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