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Monday, January 31, 2005

Waldorf Students Send Goods to Iraqi Children
Stuednets from the Rudolf Steiner School in Great Barringtonsent usable goods to children of Abu Ghraib prisoners.
posted by John 11:32 PM

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Waldorf School of Rock
Doug Fraser, the part-time guitar instructor at the Portland Waldorf School rivals Jack Black with his own Waldorf version of School of Rock. Teaching a repertoir from Pachelbel's Cannon to Joe Satriani, he is throwing his heart into brining music to the souls of Waldorf students. "I'm showing them that playing the guitar is not a destination but a journey during which you get to play this amazing thing, the guitar,' Fraser said, 'and you can't enjoy that journey if you're frustrated. I want kids to fall in love with the sound of this instrument and to make others follow them."

"It's utterly awesome working with Doug," said 17-year old Waldorf student Julian Munske, "because I want to be a professional player, too, and he's got so much to teach me."
posted by John 5:20 PM

Monday, January 24, 2005

Center for Anthroposophy Develops New Facility
The Nashua Telegraph reports on a new facility for the Center for Anthroposophy. "Anthroposophy, he said, explaining the name, ˜is the theory of human development behind the Waldorf philosophy of education. And it is not taught to children."
posted by John 5:11 PM

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Corvallis Waldorf Holds Weekly Pizza Fundraisers
The Corvallis Waldorf school holds weekly pizza fundraisers.
posted by John 4:58 PM

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Pine Hill Waldorf School Hosts Tsunami Benefit
The Pine Hill Waldorf School will host a benefit for Save the Children.
posted by John 4:55 PM

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Idaho County OK's Waldorf School
Blaine County, Idaho approved a new Waldorf school. Katharine Woods, the schools founder, spoke with reverence and devotion of Waldorf's founder, Rudolf Steiner: "Anthroposophy translates as 'the study of the wisdom of the human being' and is a world view synthesized from many brilliant revelations and discoveries of humanity in the sciences, arts, and spiritual paths of many cultures throughout history," Woods said. "When Rudolf Steiner died, he left behind over three hundred books which indicate this great synthesis of information."
posted by John 9:54 PM

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Waldorf parent wanted by FBI for kidnapping son spotted in New Zealand
Juliette Gilbert, a Waldorf parent who kidnapped her son, Sky Gilbert, has been spotted in New Zealand. Ms. Gilbert is on the FBI's most wanted list for "unlawful flight to avoid prosecution."
posted by John 8:52 AM

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Waldorf charter preferred in Alaska
An Alaskan Waldorf charter school thrives as a co-located non-Waldorf charter fails. "There are no worksheets, no sitting down. They're knitting, they're watercolor painting," one parent said, praising the curriculum.
posted by John 9:47 PM

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Olympia Waldorf School's Labyrinth
This article on Olympia's labyrinths includes a few paragraphs on Olympia Waldorf School's Labyrinth.
posted by John 9:42 PM

Friday, January 14, 2005

Waldorf music teacher: "Limit recorded music"
Waldorf music teacher Amy Conley recommends parents limit recorded music with their children: ˜It is important for the child to interact with the parents during the week. I encourage parents to not use the recorded music very much, she said.
posted by John 9:39 PM

Profile of famous Waldorf alum: Veronica Webb
The Detroit Free press has a profile on a famous Waldorf alum, actor Veronica Webb.
posted by John 9:34 PM

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