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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

WaldorfAnswers slams OpenWaldorf! ?
There's a great new article over at that totally slams OpenWaldorf and a recent article in Salon called "What's Waldorf?" Basically, it cautions prospective Waldorf parents against letting OpenWaldorf do their thinking for them. Wise advice, in my opinion. Parents should read primary sources and form their own opinions about Waldorf!
posted by John 7:20 AM

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Waldorf Teacher Teaches Circus Arts ?
A story about a New Hampshire Waldorf teacher who teaches circus arts. "The circus challenges the students," Smith said. "They learn they can do things they never thought possible."
posted by John 5:42 AM

Friday, August 20, 2004

Meadowbrook Waldorf School wins $25,000 grant ?
The Meadowbrook Waldorf School has received funding for training in three strategic areas. These include remedial education, classroom teacher training, and fund raising training.
posted by John 1:08 PM

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Waldorf school turns towards recycling to rebuild ?
The Waldorf School of South West London has turned to recyling in an effort to rebuild the campus that was all but destroyed by arson last month.
posted by John 1:04 PM

Friday, August 13, 2004

Kimberton Waldorf School sells farm for $203,000 ?
The Kimberton Waldorf School sold their 27-acre campus for $203,000. Man, where I live, you can't buy an empty 1/4 acre lot for that!
posted by John 1:57 PM

Waldorf School of South West London seeks donations ?
The Waldorf School of South West London is seeking cash donations to help rebuild after their fire.
posted by John 9:47 AM

Waldorf School Wins National Geographic Contest ?
The City of Lakes Waldorf School in Minnesota won National Geographic's Habitat Hero contest. They were rewarded for creating practical plans to turn a part of their schoolyard into a habitat for plants and animals.
posted by John 6:34 AM

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