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Chinese Waldorf school to "disguise its [religious] methods" ?
A new Waldorf school in China plans to "disguise its [religious] methods" in defiance of the Chinese goverment. The school is founded by a Waldorf teacher who owned a Waldorf pre-school in North Carolina that went out of business.
posted by John 8:34 AM
New Principal at Yuba River Charter School ?
Caleb Buckley was hired as the principal of hired as the principal of the Yuba River Charter (Waldorf) School.
posted by John 8:27 AM
Fugitive child molester harbored by Franciscans across from Waldorf School ?
Victims rights advocates are raising a ruckus about a fugitive friar living across the street from the Santa Barbara Waldorf School. He is being harbored by Franciscans at the Santa Barbara Mission. OpenWaldorf will be writing a letter to the Franciscans requesting he be moved out of this proximity to the children. Check the OpenWaldorf forums for more information.
posted by John 5:56 AM
Waldorf Student Expelled Because Parent Posted to OpenWaldorf! ?
A 13 year old Waldorf student was expelled from Highland Hall Waldorf School because her father posted his experiences at OpenWaldorf! "Your.. inviting people to a website where you have made a number of negative comments about Highland Hall and specific individuals in the community, is an example of your behavior," the school wrote in the expulsion letter.
posted by John 3:53 PM
David Sohigian's Weblog: Media Blackout ?
Here's an interesting perspective on the Waldorf media blackout from one Waldorf parent.
posted by John 11:18 AM
Arson Probe After Inferno at Waldorf School of South West London ?
Here's a followup on the arson probe at the Waldorf School of South West London.
posted by John 8:33 AM
Meadowbrook Waldorf Students Walk Rhode Island's North-South Trail ?
A story about students from the MeadowBrook Waldorf School walked the last mile of Rhode Island's North-South Trail.
posted by John 8:27 AM
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