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Sunday, January 25, 2004

"'Because of this school my daughter Myra's mouth waters for broccoli,'" said this Waldorf parent. So if you're ready to shell out the private school bucks to make advances with your kid's tastebuds at Waldorf, read this article!
posted by John 7:42 AM

Friday, January 16, 2004

There's controversy over a Waldorf charter school in Benecia, CA as charter school member Katie Berryhill assured the board that the school was "not based on any religion, (nor) will any dogma be taught."
posted by John 10:39 AM

Sunday, January 11, 2004

This New York Waldorf School hosts a farmer's market.
posted by John 10:44 AM

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

?'s Family Times magazine has an article on weaving Waldorf into home learning.
posted by John 10:50 AM

Saturday, January 03, 2004

A member of the "farm administration" from a biodynamic farm describes the organizations higher mission: "Yes, we want to make money," Schneider said. "But that's not the primary reason for the farm."
posted by John 11:00 AM

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